Small Business Support

In terms of tax, bookkeeping, and paperwork, a small business would still need assistance. Southwest Tax Solutions assists clients by establishing business processes so that they can manage their internal bookkeeping daily, with our assistance as required.

How we assist

We assist small businesses in working smarter by implementing internal systems that make every day bookkeeping activities simple, and usually in small businesses there isn't enough space to employ many people and therefore a small business will employ someone who can do multiple tasks. An internal system will assist this person and make their work a lot easier. We advise our clients on tax planning, bookkeeping, and how to ensure that their books and records are accurate and ready for tax preparation at the end of the year. We will also check these records during the year so that any issues can be rectified well in advance so that when preparing for tax returns is taking place, we are not focusing on corrections and problems. Our expertise is in dealing with tax issues and representing clients in IRS audit, we know exactly the documentation and information the IRS will request. With us supporting your small business, you will never have to worry about what paperwork is required and if it is correct.


Small business and tax planning

Southwest Tax Solution's certified tax professionals have assisted countless small businesses in the El Paso region in remaining compliant with IRS tax reporting standards and managing their tax exposure. Resolving any pending problems, in addition to good tax preparation for your small company, should be a top priority. We will assist you in planning for tax and advise you on where you can save money and where you can benefit from deductions.

We help avoid your exposure to the IRS

Southwest Tax Solutions will work with you to secure the assets of your small company. Here are some examples of what we can accomplish for you: We will file your tax return, which we will review and re-examine for any possible issues. We will file your tax return electronically so that refunds are processed quickly. We can adjust your payroll withholding in order to get you more money per week. In addition, we will provide you with a list of any deductions that were omitted on your current tax return and should not be overlooked for the next year's tax liability.

Benefits to using Southwest Tax Solutions

You will not only receive accounting and bookkeeping assistance during the year. You can also hire us to prepare your taxes. Our tax preparation team is here to assist you in navigating the complicated and ever-changing tax environment. We'll also assist you in devising strategies to help you save money and develop your small business. We'll be there to help you with your IRS (Internal Revenue Service) issues and find a solution. To top it off, our prices are fair, and we take pride in being prompt, dependable, and discreet.

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